Arkansas Weather in April

eureka springs outdoor adventure week

Plan a spring trip by researching your local Arkansas radar weather forecast from the Arkansas Department of Parks and Tourism.

Arkansas weather is mild and typically pleasant. No matter what time of year you plan on visiting Arkansas, you’ll find The Natural State offering beautiful scenic views and plenty of opportunities for outdoor adventure. With four distinct, yet temperate, seasons, Arkansas is the perfect year-round vacation destination. Spring and fall are particularly mild with hot and humid days in late summer and during winter months when temperatures occasionally dip into the teens or below, especially with wind chill.


  • Average maximum temperature: 73.6°F
  • Average minimum temperature: 50.3°F
  • Average precipitation: 5.5 inches
  • Southwesterly winds


April is considered to be the first true spring month with more consistent warmer temperatures. April also has the highest average rainfall and occasional potential for tornadoes. This early spring period is the time when the cabin fever blues of winter are washed away by spring showers and sunshine.

The Arkansas weather forecast often changes dramatically due to surrounding weather influences. When two or more weather systems merge, clouds form, temperature changes and precipitation often follows. Arkansas’s central location allows weather systems from all directions to influence its climate.

Select a month below to view Arkansas weather averages based on previous years. This information is intended for general planning purposes only – data varies by region and can change year-to-year. Please contact the National Weather Bureau at (501) 834-0308 or visit for an up-to-date Arkansas weather forecast before you start your trip.

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